Musescore not playing certain notes.

• Dec 22, 2023 - 17:19


I am currently using Musescore 4.2 on an m2 MacBook Pro. Recently, during playback, certain random notes do not sound. Most of the time, it occurs during simple passages where playback should not be an issue at all. However, opening the same scores on my PC (which also has version 4.2 installed), it works fine. I tried reinstalling Musescore on my Mac, but the problem persists. If anyone has had this problem before, I'd love to know how you got around it.



" Recently, during playback, certain random notes do not sound."
So, we need you attach this score to be able to check and investigate.
And by trying to be more precise about the location of these "random notes"

In reply to by cadiz1


This problem persist on every score I have tried to work on, but here are some examples (the audio rendered to the website just as it plays on my end): (specifically after measure 30) (after measure 16)

Again, when I download these exact scores to edit on my PC, playback works perfectly.


In reply to by Stavros_First

Indeed, it's weird. Especially measures 32/33 in the Nocturne.😳 I have no idea what's going on. But since everything is normal when listening on the PC (for me too) , I suppose you have to ask to, here :
and especially (for bug report):…
NB: I listened to your pieces on I like it a lot. Great job 👍

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