How About Some Zithers!

• Dec 22, 2023 - 17:26

There is a short list of instruments I'd like to see added to MuseSounds, the Recorder family being one of the big ones, but at the top of my list are Zithers. Hammered Dulcimer especially... that's quite a common addition to the orchestra, so I was quite surprised when I first downloaded MS4 and didn't find it...
I'd love to have one of those to play with!


In reply to by xavierjazz


I literally said "MuseSounds" in the first sentence of the post.

Edit: I'm new to this MS Forum crap, so if I'm missing something, please tell me, lol. Cuz I very clearly specified MuseSounds, but now you're the second person to not see that. Idk if I'm doing something wrong or what...

In reply to by aj4401

"I literally said "MuseSounds" in the first sentence of the post."

It's not the first sentence only, it's the all-important title of the post. The title is what shows up in the list of recent posts.

If the title had said "How About Some Zithers in Muse Sounds!" everything would be much clearer, even at first glance.

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