Text frames and sections - layout question

• Dec 23, 2023 - 02:28

I am just beginning to experiment with building a multi-movement score using sections so I can have it all in one file. But I cannot figure out how to force an internal movement’s text frame to appear right above that movement—the third movement has its text at the bottom of the preceding page instead at the top of its own page. I also can't figure out how to get the copyright notice to appear only on the first page, nowhere else—it seems to want to be on every page or on odd/even pages, but not just the first page. Thanks!


And another point: one movement begins with an upbeat, but the system is counting that as the first measure. How do I get the numbering to start with the first full measure in that section?

"the third movement has its text at the bottom of the preceding page instead at the top of its own page."

Select the previous page, without the text frame, and insert a page break:

Palettes > Layout > Page Break

"get the copyright notice to appear only on the first page"

Enter the copyright notice in the copyright section of Project Properties:

File > Project properties > Copyright

In Format > Style > Header & footer

Tick 'Footer' and 'Show on FIrst Page'

Enter $C in the appropriate text box
(Don't type the copyright notice into this section)

$C shows copyright only on first page, $c shows it on all pages

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