
• Dec 24, 2023 - 18:13


Why does the text for 8b appears as 8va ?
Is there a way to change it? I see that the text syntax is ottavaBassa but it shows the same as ottavaAlta on the score.


The "a" in the abbreviation 8va doesn't really stand for "alta". It stands for the "a" at the end of the italian word for octave, ottava. You sometimes see a similar abbreviation of the English "octave" as 8ve. Therefore, whether the transposition is an octave up or an octave down, the abbreviation should be the same - 8va. In order to distinguish between the two you can edit the text of the line in Musescore to read "8va alta" or "8va bassa" or just rely on the position of the line. Or you can edit the text to achieve the mistaken, but quite common use of 8vb.

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