Feed back on up date - Acoustic Nylon

• Dec 25, 2023 - 05:17

The recent 4.2 update included Muse Guitar Volume 1. The "Acoustic Guitar" sample unfortunately has a bug. A guitar note will not sustain for its full duration (e.g. 1/4 note for instance) where there is a rest following the note. That is the note regardless of duration will be played staccato.


Confirmed. Not only the notes followed by rests, but also the last note of the score. See the notes colored in red on this test file: test.mscz
I quickly looked it up on GitHub. Apparently (?) it's not reported yet, which is very surprising given the obvious and prohibitive impact on playback of this issue. One wonders how it even passed the test stages?
Could you file a bug report on Github? Here: https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues. Don't forget to attach the test file.
(Before that, you just need to open an account to do so)

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