Adding "Part Name" to full score and using the "Part Name" field in Header/Footer does not display Part name for Full Score

• Dec 25, 2023 - 20:19

Typically with my full scores I label them with "Full Score in C" or "Full Score (Transposed)" for clarity using the "Add Part Name" feature, I label my score as such and have it display this information using the "Part Name" tag in the header field using "$i". But lately I've noticed this no longer displays the full score part name.

Steps to reproduce

1) Create or use existing score
2) Go to: "Add" > "Text" > "Part Name"
3) Type "Full Score in C" or "Full Score (Transposed)"
3) Go to: "Format" > "Style" > "Header & Footer" > "Header" textboxes.
4) In the "Middle" textbox type "$i" (Tag used to display part name on a page, except the first page); hit "Apply to all Parts"

Opening all the parts you can see all the parts have their respective part name at the top of every page except the full score.

I've attached an example score of how I format my full scores and parts.

I have found a workaround by adding a new property to my project, but considering adding a part name to a full score and using the "$i" tag worked before, it's not ideal.

Attachment Size
FullScore_PartName_NotShowing.mscz 70.71 KB


I'm pretty sure this was never different (it certainly isn't in 3.x). $i, $I and $:partName: all pick on the partName tag in the score's or part's properties, not on whatever you write into the upper left corner of the title frame (via Add > Text > Partname)

One could argue that using Add > Text > Partname should additionally write it to the properties, might be worth a feature request

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