No option to login to existing (this) MuseScore account on Android (Google 7)

• Dec 26, 2023 - 17:41

I have been using Musescore (login) on my Android phone for years.
I have just replace it with a new pixel 7 and re-installed musescore.

There is no option of login to my existing current account when starting the app. There is only an option of creating new account. There are numerous complains on the Internet, with tips of finding an X on top left and a login behind it. I cannot find any X anywhere on my screen. There is only on option: Create your account...

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Go to Profile (after having gotten rid of all the other stuff, indeed often by clickin oin the X in the upper left corner)), there to "Log in to your account", there to "Continue with EMail"

But note that nothing of this has got anything to do with, this site here, the mobile apps are being dealt with exclusively on

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