screachy playback

• Dec 27, 2023 - 22:20

I've had version 2 for years and love it. Just hooked up with 4.2, wrote a little piece and the playback through my focusrite interface and into my stereo sounds like holy hell. What "DO I DO?"

it sounds very electronic. it sounds fine when not using the output. Also this computer is as new to me as the Musescore upload


Version 4 is a whole different animal. If it sounds OK without your Focusrite, I would use MuseScore that way until you do a little research.
What are your computer specs? OS, ram, cpu, SSD and such.
In Windows there is a way to adjust your computer and Focusrite to play nicely together. Plus there are some settings in MuseScore that can make a difference. In the support section on this site, there is a "HOW TO" about sound issues.

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