Tab staff within standard notation

• Dec 29, 2023 - 01:20

Is there a way to insert tab notation within a standard staff? For example, I have songs that have instrumental breaks that substitute for verses (verse-verse-chorus-verse-instrumental...) I have scored all of the lyrics/melody in a standard staff, but for my guitarist, it would be helpful to have the solo, and only the solo, in tab format rather than standard notation, and I'd like not to have separate scores, but have a single integrated score. A strange request, granted, but is it possible?


The way to achieve this is to add a guitar TAB staff, and input notes in the relevant measures - see test file 1 : Step1.mscz
At the end of the input, go to Format/Style/Score: tick "Hide empty staves within staves" (and probably untick below "Don'hide empty staves in first system")
If necessary, don't forget to place system breaks at the junction of staff changes (as in the second test file) : Step2.mscz

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