Musescore 4/MuseSounds unusable?

• Dec 29, 2023 - 16:40

Hi, I've been using MS for about 9 years now and I have tons of respect for MuseScore as a company and as developers because of the fact that they provide these tools for free which is not something to take for granted, however I'm just here to express some concerns in order to figure out if the issues I'm dealing with are personal to me or widespread.

With a return to MuseScore and a bit of fiddling with MuseScore 4 is it just me or is this update absolutely unusable with MuseSounds? I've been experiencing numerous bugs that makes the playback of my piece actually unbearable to listen to like notes being held longer than they should be, and some notes absolutely not being played at all no matter what I do.

Whenever I crescendo or decrescendo with harps the first note of each count is literally silenced.

When I add grace notes for woodwinds they hold out longer than they're supposed to especially when used on the first note of the piece, creating dissonant whole notes (I made a support forum about this and got no response)

I'm only 8 measures into my piece, however, after encountering a plethora of bugs I'm wondering if MuseScore 4/MuseSounds is usable yet? It seems to still be in alpha and not yet ready to be used by the public just yet.

Are there any alternatives you guys suggest? Are you guys still using MS3 for the time being? Would love some feedback about this just to get an understanding of how the general users/public feel about this update as well. Thank you :-)


Please post your score. But for starters, don't use Flute 1. Opening grace notes produce the effect you describe. Besides, flute 1 doesn't mean desk 1. Flute 1 is a more expressive font than flute 2. Use most any solo 2 font rather than 1. For now.

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