Compound measures components

• Dec 31, 2023 - 12:13

How can i specify the component measures of a compound (or irregular?) measure? For example I have a a few measures in 5/4, and I want to tell the performer that this 5/4 measure is contructed from of 2/4 measure and 3/4measure (in this order, of course). Can I do this? (without using dotted bar lines)


Some possibilities:

  1. You could add a text note and possibly a picture of a single bar divided as you intend as an example.
  2. You could beam the notes in groups of two beats and three beats.
  3. You could add slurs to indicate phrasing in groups of two beats and three beats.
  4. You could add dashed (rather than dotted) barlines.
  5. You could add no indication and leave it to the musical sense of the players to interpret it correctly.

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