Clicking "Show Parts" replaces violin 1 with an empty tuba part

• Jan 3, 2024 - 05:18

The score was originally a brass arrangement including a tuba. I cut the whole thing, pasted it to a string section, and deleted all the brass. However, when I view the individual parts list, there is no violin 1; instead there is a tuba part with nothing on it. I restarted MuseScore 4, but it seems to be an issue with the file.

I have attached the .mscz of the score, as well as a screenshot showing the problem.

Attachment Size
Dover.mscz 63.88 KB
4XFO7JS.png 17.8 KB


In the "Instruments" panel, click on the cogwheel in front of Violin1, then on "Replace instrument" and select a same... Violin (this will delete the Tuba/reset the Violin)
Then add the 1 in the Staff/Part Properties.
See: 1Dover.mscz

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