
• Jan 3, 2024 - 14:49

Is there an instrument where the note doesn't change at all from start to finish? like how two separated crotchets would sound exactly the same as a minim? I don't mind what the instrument sounds like



I don’t understand your question. Two separate crotchets are, by definition, separate, and can’t ever sound exactly the same as a minim. All bowed and blown instruments can sustain a note for as long as they have bow or breath, while the organ can sustain for as long as the blower is on… If you want sounds to overlap then a piano with the sustain pedal, or percussion such as a vibraphone or tubular bells might suit. Can you give us more idea of what you are trying to do?

In reply to by Brer Fox

So what I'm trying to do is take a theme of mine, where it goes from major to minor and change it by making the tonality shift slowly through the pice. Since the interval is so small and over such a long time, using the portamento won't work and I need to write notes and make them microtones. But I can't use slurs to make it sound like one long note because then the tone won't change.

In reply to by igo spekkyjarv…

Use a glissando?

I know nothing about microtonal accidentals, so I can't offer concrete advice. But at least from an engraving point of view, MS 4.2 is taking account of microtonal accidentals when calculating the angle of a glissando line. See Github issue Microtonal accidentals should affect glissando angle:

Whether or not that affects playback, you would have to check for yourself.

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