"scoop" symbol is glitchy-sounding and shortens the note it's applied to

• Jan 8, 2024 - 09:50

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.2.0-233521124, revision: eb8d33c
Using muse Basic

Create a score with a note that would play for a long time at whatever tempo you've picked (like a half note at 210bpm, in my case)
Apply the "scoop" symbol from the "arpeggios and glissandos" palette.
Playback will now essentially ONLY play the scoop, and not the note it's attached to; the sound of the pitch bend is very wobbly, as if it went back down sometimes while trying to go up; and there is no option to adjust how fast the scoop is / when it begins, which probably contributes to it sounding completely unnatural. Workaround, as of now, is to painstakingly go back on every inserted scoop and deactivate it


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