Lyrics properties reset for each syllable

• Jan 8, 2024 - 16:37

When I'm entering lyrics I sometimes want to switch to italic (choruses, vocalises, etc.) then back to roman, which I can do within a syllable using Ctrl+I. However, when I press space, underscore, or hyphen to move to the next note, everything resets, so to enter a string of italic syllables I can either press Ctrl+I for each new syllable, or enter them all as roman and go back later to select them all and make them italic. This really interrupts the workflow.

Is there another way I should be doing this, or should I open it as a bug on GitHub?


"When I'm entering lyrics I sometimes want to switch to italic (choruses, vocalises, etc.) then back to roman"

I faced a similar problem recently. The solution I used is as follows:
- enter all lyrics as "non-italic"
- then select a target syllable to be formatted as "italic", with right-click > Select > More... > Same system
- in the Properties panel, set Properties > Style > Italic icon
- repeat for each system where italics are needed

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