Excessive reverb on first repeat

• Jan 9, 2024 - 08:05

Apologies if I've posted this in the wrong topic. On my score Waves in the Moonlight (attached below), the first repeat of mm. 3 and 4 play with excessively high reverb, sounding as if the eighth notes have tremolos on them; however, the same measures sound completely normal on the second repeat. I turned off reverb for all instruments, but that section plays exactly the same as when reverb is on the default 30%. The soundfont I'm using is https://musical-artifacts.com/artifacts/817 , but the problem persists with every other soundfont I tried (including MS Basic); this doesn't happen when using MuseSounds, but the dynamics are completely ignored. I'm using MS4.3.2 on Windows 11.

Attachment Size
Waves_in_the_Moonlight.mscz 243.04 KB

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