[SOLVED] Bugs with Multimeasure Rests in Musescore 4.5

• Mar 20, 2025 - 18:45

Hi there! I've just discovered that when I am trying to do a multimeasure rest in Musescore 4.5, the 1 measure rests end up having a 1 on top of it. I am trying to get rid of it. The other multimeasures work perfectly fine, however, it is just the 1 measure rests that have big number 1s on top of it. This applies to both in the score and in the parts.

Please let me know if there is already a known solution or not.


Attachment Size
Multimeasure Bug in MS 4.5.png 131.09 KB
Multimeasure Bug (Parts).png 144.59 KB


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