Default placement of niche symbols from master palette should not be BEHIND the note they're assigned to

• Jan 9, 2024 - 15:21

That makes it artificially finnicky to have to click on the few pixels that come out from the sides, in order to drag the symbol to wherever it actually needs to go.
It should also be made possible to resize and rotate them.


Please give us particular examples of what you are trying to do and what happens when you do it. Which symbol? How are you adding it to the score. There are different ways.

In reply to by bobjp

Typically it's the "Brass techniques" subcategory, which is useful for all jazz wind sections. But when I tried to use a symbol from renaissance french lute, it behaved in the exact same way, so I think it's just the default for all no-effect symbols. They get placed BEHIND the note they've been applied to.

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