Corrupted Score

• Jan 10, 2024 - 09:50

Have tried different ways to correct this (delete all notes in every staff and re-enter in 4/4 and so on, to no avail). How do I correct the errors listed below? And what exactly do they mean? Thank You.

Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 6, staff 10. Found: 20/16. Expected: 4/4.
Incomplete measure: Full score, measure 6, staff 11. Found: 20/16. Expected: 4/4.


> And what exactly do they mean?
Your score has a 4/4 time signature and in measure 6, staves 10 and 11 have 20/16, which corresponds to 5/4 time and is different from measure 6 on all other staves. Their actual length is too long and must be corrected.
How to correct them can vary greatly, and since we do not have your score or the original, we cannot say what is wrong and how best to correct the mistakes.

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