Bars and Ties abnormally stretched, Reset stretch and Decrease stretch features not helping

• Jan 19, 2024 - 02:46

I was adding notes to this track, and I think I ctrl- dragged the bar or a tie or something and a large amount of the bars got really stretched and I now can't change them back. I've tried restarting Musescore 4 and using the layout stretch options. Anyone know how to fix this?

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-01-19 132703.png 24.7 KB


In reply to by Personate__

It would be best if you could attach the score here so that people can search for the problem.
You can also try this: Insert an additional measure before the problem passage, write the same notes in there and then delete the corrupt measure (select the measure and remove it with Ctrl+Del).

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