Two suggestions for improving tabulature input

• Jan 19, 2024 - 17:22

I’ve two suggestions with regards to writing tabulature.

1) In note editing mode you essentially have two different selections simultaneously: the “blue rectangle” with which you enter new notes, and then you have your “ordinary” selection which is visually indicated by highlighting the currently selected note.

Currently, inputting notes is done with the blue rectangle while deleting notes is done with the ordinary selection. This is kind of cumbersome: I’d much rather just use the blue rectangle for both operations! As a keyboard user I find moving the ordinary selection kind of burdensome to begin with since it skips around. I get why this is, it wouldn't be logically possible for it the behave like the beloved blue rectangle, but in my opinion that's even more reason to use the rectangle for both things.

2) Let us say that I want to write double stops. How I usually do this is that I first write the melody as single notes and then complete the double stops. At this point I wouldn’t want to worry about the values of the notes anymore, I’d like just to be able to write the notes, pretty much like if you’d be pressing alt and numbers to create intervals.

In other words, I’d like Musescore to recognize that there are already notes present and adjust the current input note duration to that.

I realize that 1) these might not exactly be top priorities and that 2) other people might find Musescore’s current way better. So:

I’ve some programming experience and I’ve fooled around with Musescore plugins a bit, but not enough to know what I don’t know, and I’ve no idea what’s possible and what’s not.

It’d seem to me that implementing the two suggestions could be fairly simple, but as I said I’m not sure if it’s currently possible (I’ve heard that the current plugin API is restricted) or will it be in the future.

How I reckon this would work is:

1) Listen for changes in the location of the blue rectangle
2) If the location of the blue rectangle changes, do two things:
2.2) If there’s a note, change the current selection to that
2.3) From the note input toolbar select the same duration as the current beat

I’m not asking for anyone to do the programming for me, I’d just like to know if the needed actions can be implemented using Musescore’s plugins and if I should look into it or abandon all hope.


Good stuff. I hope your idea goes somewhere!

In MuseScore 3 or MuseScore 4, whether working with tablature or normal clefs, wherever adding a chord tone I have to concern myself with preemptively setting the note value to match that of the existing chord.

As you nicely described, I'd like a way to add a chord tone or double stop and have MuseScore place in "into" the existing time value ... and I don't see any reason to change the Toolbar's note value selection. A simply modifier key combination (like control/command-+shift+click could invoke the needed temporary toggle.

In the larger picture,l I'd definitely like to see a simplified method of tablature entry that harmonizes more logically with the keystrokes for normal clef editing. For instance, up/down arrow changes pitch by semitones in the normal staves. But AFAIK while in Note Entry mode there is no keystroke for incrementing a fret number for the just entered note.. (Yes, I know we can click and enter a number.) Shift Up/Down is currently available thus could invoke the feature. But I think it would be best to consider other entry goals as well before picking a keystroke out of a hat.


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