How to change order of panels during searching?

• Jan 21, 2024 - 14:16

I want the gracenote panel be at the top during searching. Drag, but no use.

PS: Why cannot upload video??????

Attachment Size
20240121_215814.mp4_20240121_221506.gif 2.94 MB


"I want the grace note panel be at the top during searching. Drag, but no use."

a) Close all your palettes, so that only the palette names are visible.
b) Drag the Grace Notes palette to the required position.

> Why cannot upload video?
See the red message box: only certain file types are allowed.
You can zip any file for uploading. However, the file size is limited to a maximum of 4 MByte.
Use another way: upload the file to your Dropbox (or similar) and post a link.

You can’t move them while the visible palettes have been found using the search bar. Find it without searching for it, and then move it.

Edit: I actually read the title. As far as I know, though this should not work.

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