Local File
Hello, I was working on an online score on my Musescore 4 app on my laptop, and when I clicked save it said I didn't have connection to the online version so my changes would be saved to a local file until connection returns. I looked all over my laptop and its files but cannot find the modified score anywhere, is there any way I could find it?
Just like the problem I described here: https://musescore.org/en/node/359598
And the problem described by ThatMoon here: https://musescore.org/en/node/359596
Folders where you can search for musescore files (Windows) if you did not save one:
This list may be incomplete or incorrect though
Also Musescore saves backup files in a hidden .mscbackup folder, which is located in the same place as your project file
If you find something interesting, copy that file to another location and open from that new location