There is something Terribly Wrong!

• Jan 24, 2024 - 02:50

I have just spent this entire day and half of yesterday composing two pages of a piano piece. Fairly exhausted, I played it through once and felt generally happy with my effort. Perhaps, it was one of the nicer things that I've composed. I thought it would be good to print it off so I have a hardcopy. I was not done with it but thought that I would be better off leaving at four today. I began looking for a way to print my piano piece and no sooner then I pressed home and all my work vanished. Although I am somewhat confident that someone will prevent this from happening to someone in the future because I've enjoyed watching MARTIN KEARY'S videos about the anxiety that some bloated music software causes those who use it, I am quite unhappy. This should never happen. I'm still in the program. It seems there was absolutely no warning that what I was about to do would erase my entire effort! I hope someone takes this to heart very soon.


Brian M Reschke


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