Download and run MuseScore 3.7 Evolution
can anyone direct me where to download the last version of MuseScore 3.7 Evolution?
I'm on Linux Mint 21.3
I would like an AppImage, if that's possible. Or a "normal" install instruction.
Thanks in advance,
In reply to… by rothers
Sorry this doesn't help me at all. I clicked on "Actions" and "CI_Linux" but can't figure out how to download the program!
In reply to Sorry this doesn't help me… by [DELETED] 1307581
At the bottom of that page under artifacts
Only if you're logged in...
In reply to At the bottom of that page… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you. I finally got it.
In reply to At the bottom of that page… by Jojo-Schmitz
Dear Jojo-Schmitz, is there any chance for GSoC project Chord editor be merged with MuseScore Evolution? It's a shame that it won't be used. Best regards.
In reply to Dear Jojo-Schmitz, is there… by hstanekovic
That is based on master, after 3.x got split off, and does use its infrastructure and has 60 commits. So probably impossible, at least very difficult to backport
In reply to That is based in master,… by Jojo-Schmitz
Ah it's a bad luck
Is MU3.7 available for Windows? Where?
In reply to Is MU3.7 available for… by ymagix
Here again, but already mentioned above ...
I've now copied that document to
As of today 3.7 also fully imports all style settings from Mu4 score (all that exist in Mu3 too or have a decent counterpart), special cudos to @worldwideweary to spot the bad bug of mine that prevented it from happening before.
In reply to I've now copyied that… by Jojo-Schmitz
workwide or worldwide?
In reply to workwide or worldwide? by xavierjazz
The latter, sorry
In reply to I've now copyied that… by Jojo-Schmitz
To make musescore 3.7 downloading easier, there is a free download site for open source projects that you may want to try. uses this site for “direct link” downloads without musehub. I don’t know anything else about the site.
Maybe you can then have a static link that always works.
In reply to To make downloading easier,… by TDYama
In reply to @TDYama > uses… by knoike
If I hold the windows download “direct link” link, I can see the popup with the link. I only found out about the site due to the link.
Also, go to the windows download page, don’t accept the download. Look for the “direct link” words. Press and hold it down (using an iPhone). Select copy link. I get this:…
In reply to If I hold the windows… by TDYama
Thank you for explanation.
Before reading your explanation, I read the source code of ,
and larning how it work jsDelivr, so I noticed my mistake.
I'm sorry and thanks!
In reply to @TDYama > uses… by knoike
I'm sorry!
It seems that jsdelivr is used in .
I understand how it work "jsDelivr".
So I deleted previous my post.
In reply to @TDYama I'm sorry! It seems… by knoike
All is good. It is hidden info.
In reply to To make downloading easier,… by TDYama
I understood how jsDelivr works, but the essence of the problem does not seem to change.
jsDelivr support GitHub repository, but it seems there does not present a way to find(or search) the latest and the certain Artifact within Actions and generate for the URL.
I think that someone need to create a script that does this.
Do you know any good solution about this?
In reply to @TDYama I understood how… by knoike
I don’t know. I posted it to give the information.
I think as long as someone can download without a GitHub account, and there is a link to post here, that always points to the current download, that would be fine. The current artifacts are difficult to find.
In reply to I don’t know. I posted it… by TDYama
If you follow the step-by-step instructions then the artifacts are easy to find and install.
In reply to To make downloading easier,… by TDYama
There is the possibility that third party sites deliver malware. It's just not worth it. Much better to use GitHub and follow the 5 min simple instructions.
In reply to There is the possibility… by yonah_ag
I didn't know jsDelivr until a few hours, but it seems that its service is well-known as CDN.
Therefore, The possibility of software being infected with malware on that site might be low.
However, it is certainly safer to download from GitHub.
It might be a matter of balancing safety and convenience.
In reply to @yonah_ag I didn't know… by knoike
Fair enough. It really does only take 5 mins to follow the instructions.
In reply to Fair enough. It really does… by yonah_ag
Yes, if the person already have a GitHub account.
If not, it might be cruel to make the person create an account for GitHub just to download Evolution.
The advantage of distributing outside site of GitHub is that the person don't need a GitHub account.
Therefore I said, "It might be a matter of balancing safety and convenience."
In reply to Yes, if the person already… by knoike
Of course! (Forgot about needing a GitHub account). jsDelivr looks very interesting and does appear to be safe. How do we go about making MS3.7 deliverable via jsDelivr? Can it package the artifacts as an installation file?
In reply to Of course! (Forgot about… by yonah_ag
Some type of request is needed to have large files like musescore on Jsdelivr. That is something to overcome. Musescore 4.3 is available there so it should be possible. There are suggestions on how to get a specific GitHub file that could help.
In the nightly build script, it could be possible to put a copy of the finished file in a separate public repository with a name like ms3_7_win.msi. Then, a link can given out.
Jojo knows more than I do.
In reply to Of course! (Forgot about… by yonah_ag
> I understood how jsDelivr works, but the essence of the problem does not seem to change.
> jsDelivr support GitHub repository, but it seems there does not present a way to find(or search) the latest and the certain Artifact within Actions and generate for the URL.
> I think that someone need to create a script that does this.
So I think it will be difficult with just jsDelivr.
I thinks the script(automatic link generator) is needed. Because Artifacts of Evolution is updated frequently, so its URLs is also updated frequently.
In reply to… by knoike
It seems possible that the GitHub supports automatic upload via ftp. There are some “free” ftp services available.
Musescore is using OSU open source ftp. Musescore 3.7 is open source and may qualify. Maybe free.
Worth asking.
In reply to It seems possible that the… by TDYama
I think the distribution mechanism should be simple.
Rather than using other FTP service, I think it is simple and more reliable to copy Artifact to a specific directory on GitHub repository when GitHub Actions successfully generates Artifact.
I think jsDelivr can get the latest Artifact from the certain URL for that directory.
In any case, I'm not an expert on jsDelivr and GitHub Actions, so I'll leave it to someone who is.
In reply to I think the distribution… by knoike
I did (I believe) everything correct during the installation, but "Double-click the file to run MuseScore 3.exe" file, the system is starting to do something, but stops after a short moment and nothing happens. I stopped already the defender – but no change.
What shout I do as next step?
Thanks, and regards kh
Attached, you can see the installed files.
In reply to I did (I believe) everything… by
Try running it from a command line, appending a -F
In reply to Try running it from a… by Jojo-Schmitz
Hi, Jojo,
I wanted to try Evo, because of the cloud-update problem with Mu3.6.x, but I was not able to login. The credentials are o.k., but the form returns to its initial (blank) position instead of step into my account dashboard. What else can I try?
In reply to Hi, Jojo, I wanted to try… by nil_nocere
Sorry, no idea
In reply to Sorry, no idea by Jojo-Schmitz
Hi, just for the reassuring closure and for future reference, I can say that finally I found a solution. I had to delete all session-related information from the ...\QtWebengine\Default folder on the user's local MuseScore path (i.e.: c:\users...\appdata\local\musescore...)
The logon was seamless after this.
In reply to Hi, just for the reassuring… by nil_nocere
Thanks for comming back on this.
I guess reverting to factory settings would have done that too
could one install the AppImage in the same way as one could do with Musescore 3.6.2?
I hadn't find anything about it, I use MX Linux
In reply to Hi, could one install the… by Love to sing
In reply to Yes by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks, I found my mistake and now it runs perfect.