How to make nonuplets look like 3 sets of triplets like Rachmaninoff did here?

• Feb 7, 2024 - 17:43

Hello, I'm trying to get my nonuplets in measure 117 to look like Rachmaninoff made it look here in the attached screenshot. Instead they look like 32nd notes all beamed together. How can I change this to match?


Doable but I don't know if it is worth it.
One way, make a one beat rest into a triplet. Make each of those a triplet. Add your notes. Make all the 3's invisible. Use staff text to add a 9 over the figure.
Personally, just because you see it in print, doesn't mean it is correct or desirable.

My solution:
Write three quarter rests, select them and use "Add -> Tuplet -> Other..." with the ratio 9/4.
Then change the beams for the grouping: Palette Beam Properties.
ScreenShot 360.png

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