Musescore 4 PDF Exporting Issue

• Feb 9, 2024 - 05:22

I downloaded this arrangement of a silly song (credit to Hero of Milk on, they made the original score) because me and my friends wanted to play it. I edited the original electric bass part to be for Bb bass clarinet and edited the original electric guitar part to be in tablature.

For some reason, I'm having trouble exporting the sheet music for the Bb bass clarinet and Organ/Piano part as about 1/4 of the music is cut off from the PDF/PNG files I've tried to download (I find it funny that I'm having trouble with the Organ/Piano part even though I did not edit it).

Also, in Musescore--the Bb bass clarinet part is written in treble clef but upon exporting, it's in bass clef? I'm not sure how to fix that either.

Musescore said that my file was corrupted, so I've attached the file.
I'm very new to Musescore so forgive me if this is a silly question that has an easy fix!

Please help...thank you ;)

Attachment Size
Pepsi_Man_Theme_Song.mscz 48.37 KB


You are using an old version of MuseScore.
You have paper size set as Letter - is that big enough for all your music?
There is no Bb Bass Clarinet in your attached file.

Please indicate the steps you follow to edit/change the score.
Then also indicate the steps you perform to export the parts.

The attached score seems to be the original file, so can't be used to tell what is happening.

One check, are you making sure you generate the Parts before you save/export them?
Click the Parts button at the top of the window and click Open All.
A part will be generated for each instrument and these are opened in seperate tabs.
Check the formatted parts in these tabs, ensure they look as expected.

See also:

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