How can I adjust the volume of dynamics?

• Feb 13, 2024 - 22:07

I'm using Musescore4, and when I play some file and it contain some crescendo or diminuendo, or in general the piece have some fortissimo parts and some pianissimo parts I have a problem: the volume is too high or too low.

If I can barely listen the pianissimo, when the fortissimo part comes the volume is too high! And if I turn down the volume, when the pianissimo part comes I can't listen to anything.

So... There's a way to level the volume of dynamics in musescore4 and make it less "strong"?

Thanks a lot!


I have kind of the opposite problem to OP - whether I choose ppp or fff, the relative volume is too similar. I suppose I could use the pppppp and ffffff markings in the "more" section of the dynamics palette to make sections louder or softer, but it seems like there should be a way to manually adjust how loud or soft the forte and piano indications are. Any ideas out there?

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