Adding custom items into the tempo palette

• Feb 13, 2024 - 23:57

Hello again. I knew full well how to add various tempo indicators such as piú mosso, meno mosso, etc. to the tempo palette in version 3, but can't for the life of me figure out how to add such markings into an existing palette in 4.2.1. Yes, I have studied the manual, but it seems to focus on how to add more PALETTES rather than more items within a palette. The master palette doesn't have very many of these either, and I also don't see how to add any to that one. It is frustrating to have to reinvent the wheel every time I want to re-use a tempo indicator, and I'm sure there are other things I will want to add to other palettes as well. I must be missing something. Thanks for your help.


If you still have MS3, you can copy your old custom palettes over to MS4 and they will mostly work. In general, once you create an item in the score, you can [Ctrl][Shift] - drag it into a palette.

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