Grace Note Tuning

• Feb 19, 2024 - 02:30

Just recently noticed this bug after messing with the Tuning plugin for the first time. I adjusted the "Tweak" parameter in the Tuning plugin to 50 to bump my whole score up 50 cents. All notes were changed except grace notes. I've tried deleting it and making a new one, moving it a semitone up and back down, setting the "Tweak" value to 50 again, nothing works. I even made a quarter note of the same pitch on the staff right next to the grace note but the quarter note's pitch was adjusted like the rest of the "regular" notes. Not sure how if anyone else has encountered this issue.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I don't know the plugin, but I can imagine where it comes from.
If you select measures and restrict the selection to 'notes', the grace notes are not selected.
If you select the grace notes individually, you can already change their pitch.
Presumably the plugin would also have to apply the selection to the grace notes in a second step.

At least that's how it is in 3.x.

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