Putting played music into score:

• Feb 26, 2024 - 16:27


I am new to this forum. I wish I could be helped by anyone who can.

I most preciously have kept a taped music played by a musical genius. He plays music in any style, variation, or mood according to the occasion he is playing for.

The music pieces are from the hymn books and were played during the students' recollection gatherings. It was about 40 years ago that the music was recorded. Now I want to share this music in videos with many of the old students who participated in the gathering - 'Retreats' - who have the memory of the most beautiful moments they experienced, before they pass away, and also with lovers of music who would listen and learn from this genius.

The music recorded is now kept on my CD. Can anyone help to put it in sheet music? I plan to use it to make a video with the played music, by the accordion. I can send it by email to someone who would help me.

FYI, the musician is not one in the profession, but a religious priest, a Catholic Salesian missionary priest who served many years in S. Korea, and throughout the whole world by the commission of Pope John Paul II. He later became a bishop in Belgium and is now retired, alive.

May I request anyone's help?
Please email me at:


Thanks for your moments of reading,




there really isn't any software that will transcribe your CD into MuseScore. So it will need to be done note for note. If you have the books he played from, that might be a start.

In reply to by bobjp

Thanks! If it has to be done manually note for note, I need someone's help, as I am poor in doing so. I plan to transcribe 3 pieces of songs, each lasting 5 to 7 minutes. Can you give me your help? Or find someone who would do it. I will discuss my materials and the cost of work and estimates.

Please contact me if anyone would do, at this email:


Thanks again for your attention,


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