
• Feb 29, 2024 - 01:41

Some Vst 3 plug ins (all the Fab Filter plugins being examples) won't register levels or engage, even though my Vst 3 folder, c:/program/common files/ Vst 3 has all of them in there.
This is baffling me... Can anyone help?
Thanks, Mark Witters


On Windows, 64-bit VST3 plugins must be in C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3
see https://helpcenter.steinberg.de/hc/en-us/articles/115000177084-VST-plug…

If VST3's do not show up in MS, you can check the file 'known_audio_plugins.json'
(in Linux : ~/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/known_audio_plugins.json ;
probably C:\Users\ [your user] \AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore4 - not sure of this )
If a Vst is discovered but there is a problem with it, it will have a status "enabled": false in this json file , and there will be some error code.
Tracktion has a tool to validate a plugin: pluginval ; https://github.com/Tracktion/pluginval/releases/tag/v1.0.3
or you can use this website: https://validatemyplugin.com/
(strangely enough, the Tracktion vst3 'Collective' for Linux does not validate by their own tool. Crashes MS - most of the time. But they do not see the need to fix it.)
It is always a good idea to check logfiles for troubleshooting - same directory as above.
If you know what's happening, then you can check with the vendor or open a github MS issue.
Good luck.

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