How do I enter a dotted note above a non doted note? And Flag problem with voices

• Mar 2, 2024 - 02:20


I have chords where the low notes are 1/4 notes but the upper notes are 1/8+. followed by 1/16 (see attached )

I entered the all 1/4 notes but as soon as I try to add the 1/8+. above, the 1/4s, all the notes I entered change and become wrong.

How do I do this correctly?

Attachment Size
Musescore YOu Can't problem.JPG 90.79 KB


In reply to by Ashley - TMF

Thank you, I have tried that suggestion and it does help a lot.

Now I am stuck with millions of small rests that appeared all over when I moved the notes from one voice to the other. A lot of them seem not deletable and I am not wondering if I have to start the score all over again or if they can be removed somehow.?

I have only ever used this package for single not trombone scores before so all this is new to me plus I do not use this often.
EDIT: Googling around, it appears rests cannot be deleted from voice 1, These rests are all in voice 1 since I am using voice 2, as per your suggestion, for the lower notes and in places both chord notes are low so there is nothing in voice1 in that case. Hence the rests.
If I switch the notes to voice 1, the flags go the wrong way (up).
Is there a workaround for that at all?

Best regards

Attachment Size
Musescore You Can't problem4.JPG 46.27 KB

In reply to by berntd

Yes, the rests of voice 1 cannot be deleted. But you can hide them so that they are not visible on a printout.

As already mentioned, you should always use voice 1 first and only use other voices for other notes that have a different duration to the other voices.

The direction of the stems can be toggled by selecting the notes and pressing 'x'.

In reply to by HildeK

Thank you to everyone.

I think I got it now. It looks like one has to use a combination of the voices and use then in different ways to make the score look ok and not to just use a voice for the sake of it.
My score is now beginning to look good.

In reply to by berntd

Definitely don't use a voice just for the sake of it. But also don't use the voices "in different ways".

You need to use only Voice 1 wherever possible. If Voice 1 cannot display what's needed, then use only Voice 2. (And so on, for cases when Voices 1 and 2 are not enough.) When you do this, notes in Voice 1 default to having stems up; notes in Voice 2 default to having stems down. So, for example, when their rhythms differ, enter the soprano line in Voice 1 and the alto line in Voice 2. Doing this will keep the soprano's stem up, even if the note crosses to a lower note than the alto sings.

For example, in measure 1 the soprano and alto lines have the same rhythm. Both notes are in Voice 1. In measure 2, their rhythms are different, so soprano is placed into Voice 1 and alto into Voice 2.

In measure 3, the soprano and alto lines cross, so again soprano is in Voice 1 (to make its stems go up) and alto in Voice 2. Note particularly: on the second beat, the soprano and alto are unison. This is actually notes in both Voices 1 and 2, but they are displayed as a single dot with stems in both directions (as they should be). On beat 3, the soprano line is below the alto line so the E has its stem up and the G has its stem down (again, as they should be to indicate that, on this note, the sopranos are singing a lower note than the altos).

In measure 4, they return to having the same rhythm and the soprano singing above the alto, so chords in Voice 1 work again.

Hope that helps!

Attachment Size
Voices Example.png 6.3 KB

In reply to by berntd

Yeah, I used the imperative ("must"), but I should have just used an intensifier. I guess it would be best to say that you should decide on a strategy for using the Voice options before you begin creating a MS file and stick to that strategy.

For example, using two Voices could be used to notate the two trombone parts on a single staff. This would make it easier to, at some point, explode them into separate staves. If that is a possible future action, you have to make sure that ALL of Trombone I is in (for example) Voice 1 and ALL of Trombone 2 is in Voice 2.

Another possibility--and the way that MuseScore is designed to be used--is to do as I had suggested: keep to Voice 1 until Voice 2 is required. This is what I'm doing in my current transcription of one of Beethoven's Piano Sonatas. In this case, it would be VERY unlikely to ever want to separate the parts, so doing it this way is highly desirable.

Read the manual about Voices and do some experimentation to figure out how they work. Then make your plan and stick to it.

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