Exporting to .xml - pitches change during the export

• Mar 6, 2024 - 20:23

Hello there. I have been working with a score since last week. I need to export to .xml because the program I am importing to doesn't support MuseScore 4. The parts are as follows:

Part 1 in C
Part 1 in Bb
Part 2 in C
Part 2 in Bb
Part 2 in Eb
Part 3 in Bb
Part 3 in Eb
Part 4 in C
Part 4 in Bb
Part 4 in F
Part 4 tuba

The piece is in the key of d minor, so the C parts have 1 flat. When I export to .xml, the concert E naturals in Part 2 turn into E flat. Some of the concert E naturals in Part 3 turn into E flat. Some of the concert Bb in Part 1 change to B naturals.

I have gone back and fixed these accidentals no fewer than 16 times and it never exports correctly.

Thank you in advance for your help.

*I don't hold the copyright for this piece, so I am going to delete the file (hopefully) once this is solved.

Attachment Size
Andalucia.mscz 140.01 KB


The problem with part 2 creeps in at bar 6, right? This is strange, but there seems to be an invisible percussion clef at that point on these staves. You can find it by selecting the last note of bar 5 and pressing Alt+Right to move the selection one element at a time. You see just before the barline gets selected, there is a percussion clef selected (status line reads "percussion", properties panel shows clef).

There seem to maybe be some other spurious clef changes in the score, so simplest fix is probably remove them all. Right-click any of the visible clefs at the beginning of the score, Select / Similar, then Delete. Then the export seems to go more normally.

I don't suppose you know how those got there? I see other odd things about this score, like stems locked into the wrong direction. I gather the score itself also was imported from MusicXML; maybe the clefs were there?

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