How do I make this polymetric figure in Musescore?

• Mar 15, 2024 - 19:38

Basically where some instruments are in 3/4 and ragtime piano is in cut time with uneven measures. In this figure, the 3/4 quarter beat is exactly the same as the cut time half note beat. 3/4 Q = 94, 2/2 H = 94. Is this notation possible, but also the playback as well? This is what it sounds like:

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polymetric.PNG 464.69 KB


Hopefully, someone will come along that knows some parlor tricks to make this happen.
In the meantime, as playback is important, you might consider just writing it all in cut time. That means the first section will look odd. but it only involves a few instruments. This might only work because the pulse remains the same.

Well, its hacky, but I think it is possible this way:

If general Time Signature is 3/4 and You need to add some 2/2, you need add Local Time Signature 6/4 to those staves (Ctrl + Drop Time Sig). Than Right click 6/4 time signature and set its properties to show 2/2.
Than add barlines after 4th beat in first measure (select note and click barline) .... and hide unwanted real barlines (click and press v)

different timesigs.png

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Times.mscz 29.01 KB

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