Brass Band Score

• Mar 31, 2024 - 13:45

In MuseScore 3 there was a great Brass Band Score - UK configuration - is there one for MuseScore 4?


"In MuseScore 3 there was a great Brass Band Score - UK configuration - is there one for MuseScore 4?"

I couldn't find one. But I opened the Brass Band Template in Mu3, renamed it and saved it in the Templates folder for Mu4 (location is defined in Edit > Preferences > Folders > Templates).
Then I opened the score in Mu4 and re-saved the score in Mu4 format.

In Mu4's "Create from template" wizard the new template does not appear automatically, but if you search for "Brass" then MuseScore will find the Brass Band template (and some other Brass templates).

Looking closer, I think that in Mu4 the "Brass Band" template was there all along - but I failed to search for "Brass". The workflow is different in Mu4, but the search processin Mu4 is shorter than in Mu3!

Attachment Size
Brass Band Template - UK - Mu4.mscz 34.49 KB

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