Adding courtesy measure numbering for multi-repeated measures?

• Apr 1, 2024 - 02:41

If a part plays the same measure for a number of times in a row, is it possible to add that little courtesy numbering over the measures to show how many times that particular measure gets played? Thanks!


Not sure what you mean. If you are talking about the volta (multi-ending repeats), you can set that in their properties. If you're talking about something else, you'll have to describe it better or provide examples.

In reply to by TheHutch

"is it possible to add that little courtesy numbering over the measures to show how many times that particular measure gets played"
Well, add simple text, eg, X8, at the right over the concerned measure(s).
It's a common thing in scores of Guitar Pro.

I am attaching a screenshot to show what I mean. This part has a bunch of instances where one measure gets played repeatedly, and I am hoping there’s a way to add a little parenthetical indicator for how many times that measure gets played—e.g. “(8)” over the eighth instance in measure 138.

Attachment Size
MuseScore numbering question.png 82.47 KB

Add measure repeats and in Format>Style>Measure repeats select Number consecutive measure repeats. There are other options in the style settings that you can play with.

I am using UK localisation so I have "bars" where US localisation has "measures" but it should look like this:


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