Lyrics lost when a part is changed from voice 1 to voice 2

• May 18, 2024 - 07:28

I have created a score with four parts. While I am working on it, I have each part on a separate stave.
Now it is done, I want to create a version with two parts on each of two staves to give to my singers. What I hope to do is set the parts on the second stave to be voice 2, move the lyrics of the first stave to above the stave and copy and paste the whole of the first stave onto the second stage (and repeat with the third stave and the forth stave)
I can select all of the second stave but when I click on the 'voice 2' button the lyrics disappear. The notes do become voice 2 as I would expect. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

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I don't know this for certain, but I would expect this to be by design. The lyrics are attached to notes in Voice whichever: 1 in your case. When you move the notes from Voice 1 to Voice 2, the lyrics no longer have notes to be attached to, and are removed. However, you can copy/paste the lyrics (without the notes). See…

I would suggest copy the lyrics and paste them into a text editor. Move the notes as you need to. Once they are in the right place, copy the lyrics from the text editor and paste them back to the notes in their new location. You will paste them in one syllable at a time. Experiment a little to see just how it goes.

In reply to by TheHutch

Thank you, I can see the logic of what you describe.
I do not know if I am being inefficient in my process but it was much quicker to retype the lyrics than copy them and paste them.
It would be handy if you could copy and paste within Musescore if two lines had the same rhythm.
Do you know if there is a way to select multiple lyrics? I can select notes but I can't see how to select just lyrics rather than individually.

> I can select all of the second stave but when I click on the 'voice 2' button the lyrics disappear. The notes do become voice 2 as I would expect.
Yes, that's the behavior; you can call it a bug or not.

Have you tried the function "Tools -> Voices -> Exchange Voice 1 & 2"?
At least in MuS 3, both the notes and the lyrics are changed to voice 2.

Other way: select the lyrics of one stave, press 'x' to move them above the stave and then use 'Implode' of the lead and tenor staves. That's what I did for the second picture.

I am not sure what you like to have on the parts, either this:
or that:
Both are possible, but for the first example you only need to create one part with two staves and do not need to work with different voices.
And: you don't need to copy lyrics in both cases ...

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