kan de mixer niet meer openen

• May 19, 2024 - 20:48


ik werk met de jongste versie van MS. ik krijg de mixer niet meer openen. het is nog een enkele keer gelukt, waarbij ik enkele instrumenten op Mute zette tijdens het componeren. nu kan ik daar echter niet meer aan.
kan dit probleem dringend opgelost worden?
is er een tijdelijk alternatief? in een oudere versie kan dit bestand niet geopend worden. hoe dan wel?
mvg, Tom


Google Translate says:

can no longer open the mixer


I work with the latest version of MS. I can't open the mixer anymore. I managed to do it a few other times, where I muted some instruments while composing. However, now I can't handle that anymore.
Can this problem be solved urgently?
is there a temporary alternative? This file cannot be opened in an older version. how?
Kind regards, Tom

What operating system are you running this on? Which version of MuS are you running? (not "the latest version": what is the number?) Exactly how are you trying to open the Mixer? What happens when you do that? We need lots of details to even begin to help you.

In reply to by TheHutch

64-bits operating system, x64-processor
windows 10 Pro
musescore 4.3.0., download 9/5/2024
i tried to open the mixer via:
- display ('weergave')/mixer
- F10
- mixer icon above toolbar
the problem has started after a week: when I try to open the mixer, the screen shakes for a few seconds and that's it
since 9/5/2024 the mixer appeared only twice

PS: I work with 2 screens:
- a laptop
- a monitor with a resolution of 1366 x 768

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