
• Jun 2, 2024 - 03:32

i have a song that there is not chords, is there a way I can add chords automatically in the sheet of music,?

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Thng_ly_bit.mid 1.26 KB


In fact, you're asking us to harmonize a melody. Musescore can't do that in an automatic way (a few plugins can only recognize them when they're explicitly written - I mean all the notes - in the score).
Although I don't use it, Band-in-a-Box does this (and probably other softwares?)
As for harmonizing a melody, that's a skill you have to acquire. For example, there are various tutorial YT. Musical training is even better, of course.
Here's a simple proposal, which would be a traditional-style song harmonized for guitar. If you want something in a jazz style (for piano, for example), I fear I won't be able to help any further. See: 1Thng_ly_bit.mscz

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