Notes that students can trace

• Jun 3, 2024 - 10:51

is it possible to make notes with little dots around them, so I can give them to students to trace?
Anyone have a good way of doing this? I'm not much good with photoshop


Do you have an example of this that you could attach to this post? I don't understand what you are asking for? Why would you want/need dots around a note in order to trace it?

In reply to by TheHutch

Hi TheHutch,

It's just so students can trace the notes to get better at notation.
The idea would be to make the notes big. Then the student traces it.

I guess its something that could be done in photoshop or similar. But I was just wondering people do it here?

In reply to by wagthedog

Can we print without the barlines?

Another way is to right click on an empty spot in a measure, then in Staff/Part properties you can uncheck 'Show barlines'.

By using Staff/Part properties you can even uncheck 'Show time signature', 'Show clef' and do other things depending on your specific needs in a given exercise for the students.

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