Accelerators don't work

• Jun 3, 2024 - 17:05

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.1-241490900, revision: 026c26b

With a score open, I press Alt+A, the Add menu opens, as expected.
Press Alt+M, nothing happens - I expected the Measures menu to open.
Press M, the highlighted Notes menu opens, not Measures.
Click the Measures submenu.
Get the fly out menu 'Insert at'...
Press Alt+S for Start of score, nothing happens.
Click the Insert at Start menu item, get the dialog
Press Enter to accept the default, or type 8 and enter, nothing happens.
Press Tab & enter, that finishes the dialog OK. But the tab should not be necessary, the OK should be the default for Enter

Click the Insert at Start menu item, get the dialog,
press Esc, nothing happens. Press Esc again, it goes away, Once should be enough.

That's all the trial I've done so far, maybe there are a lot more.


The issue with the menus is well-known. I believe that it has to do with the heavy use of Alt+... characters as shortcuts in the application. You can open a menu with Alt+... the appropriate letter, but the mnemonics on the menu do not seem to work. Instead, just use the up- and down-arrow to move up/down to your menu option.

Since that's the case, I wish they would not have underscored the letters on the menus. :-(

On (some of?) your other comments, you have to Tab from the fields in the dialog to the buttons on the dialog. This has to do with some claimed "standard" for accessibility. No one has shown me any kind of documentation about this "standard" nor have I been able to find anything about it. To my mind, it's actually harder for impaired users than the traditional keyboard pattern.

Personally, I suspect that someone misunderstood something and has implemented a non-existent "standard". But it is standard to MuseScore (if no where else that I've been able to find).

In reply to by TheHutch

I think it's a question of what window has focus? If it's the score editing window then user-defined Alt+ shortcuts should be active. But if a dialog has focus, then Enter and Esc should be shortcuts for the OK and Cancel. And if a menu has focus, the Alt+ combo should work there. And if they do not and can not for whatever reason, then yes, @Thehutch, you're right, the UI should not underline the letter to offer us a shortcut that does not exist.

In reply to by probeirne

As I said, due to the "standard" that MuS is following (which is not the standard that all/most of the rest of the world follows), when the dialog has focus, you move between dialog fields with up/down and left/right arrow. You move between fields and buttons with Tab.

There's also a third level that I have not figured out yet; I have not seen where it comes into play nor have I figured out how you move in that third level.

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