Tam-tam won't make any noise

• Jun 3, 2024 - 18:56

I use muse sounds for my scores, and I wrote one with a tam-tam part. However, the part doesn't make any noise. It isn't muted, and when I place the note it makes noise, just not when I actually play it. This problem also happened with the concert toms in the same score, but I changed my mind and didn't use it. For now, I just have a different gong part playing the roll and no playback for the real part there.

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I suspect you are having trouble hearing things partially because you have all your instruments panned center. Spread them out like they are on stage. You wrote GONG over the cymbal roll in the measure above the Tam tam roll. The cymbal roll doesn't sound. but there is a loud crash in the next measure that covers up the Tam tam. Which is playing, but is covered up. If you want a Tam tam crash don't tie the note before.

In reply to by bobjp

My issue was that if I did an instrument change for sus cymbal to tam tam that it wouldn't make any noise, even if it was the only thing playing. The crash in the next measure is just the way Muse score plays it. An actual performer would play the Tam tam roll, then switch to sus cymbal and play that on the tied note the second time. The tam tam part below it is only for playback. I do need to change some things with mixing.

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