repeated "corruption" error in a measure that is EMPTY

• Jun 4, 2024 - 21:06

M. 75 is empty, and I keep getting this window when trying to save. I have cleared (deleted the contents) of the measure repeatedly. Same problem. I have deleted the entire measure, and then the next measure that becomes m. 75 after the deletion gives me the same message. Even deleted THAT measure, and again, the same newly moved into place m. 75 gave me the same message. I am at my wits end, particularly as there has NEVER been content in m. 75 - I'm not that far in the chart yet. Any help appreciated.

Attachment Size
error message.png 157.8 KB
m.75 in alto part.png 11.03 KB
m.75 in main:full score.png 15.79 KB


Please attach the score. We will not be able to tell anything from a screenshot. Good idea to also identify which version of MuS you are using and which operating system and version it is running on.

[A few moments later] I also note that the error says that the corrupt measure is in the Part score, so if you've been looking in the entire score, try looking there.

This is real measure 75, which is 67 for you. Pay attention to the status bar at the very bottom.
As for the problem itself - since the file was created on April 30th, I assume it was in version 4.2.1, and it is likely that the original problem was fixed in 4.3.0.

In reply to by mercuree

Thanks so much - problem fixed, at least for now. I was not aware of the difference in numbering when referencing measures. It only appears at the bottom status bar, as you directed me, when the measure is highlighted. I unfortunately assumed that the measure reference numbers would match. Lesson learned. Thanks so much for your help.

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