Musesounds and MSBasic

• Jun 5, 2024 - 23:15

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.0-241231433, revision: 5f36e74

Hi I absolutely love the new Musesounds but (there's always a 'but') I'm finding some of them too quiet. I have just imported a big band score from the dot com site. It was written in MS3 point something. I can hardly hear the trombones (all instruments at 0db). Pushing them "up" on the fader barely helps as there is not much room to push them any further. Swapping the tbn sound to MSbasic creates a large dynamic increase. which is great but the soundfont is awful in comparrison.
I am definitely not complaining about the Musesounds. I must be missing something in the mixer. I use an actual mixer with my own big band and find myself dropping faders, not pushing them to the top of their travel. Which again makes me think I've missed something with the mixer in MSS. Pointers please. Thank you


Yes. The MU4 mixer is pretty simple. And, yes, if you can't get enough volume for certain instruments, you need to lower the others.
However. check the pan on the score. Almost no one pans there scores. This helps in hearing things.

If you put a forte (f) dynamic in the first measure of the trombone, it could help. (I think default is usually mf).

Also, you could double the trombone part by copying the staff. You would have two channels playing the same thing and it would be louder.

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