Downloading MuseScore Studio

• Jun 6, 2024 - 18:38

I get the message "Downloading MuseScore Studio" displayed whenever I invoke Muse Hub. The message never stops. If I reboot, the message continues as if there were no interruption. I have been unable to playback any scores for over 6 months, which I reported on another support ticket. Don't know if that issue has anything to do with this one. I sure hope that one day I'll be able to use MuseScore again, it was working so well until 4.3 came along...


Hmm, 4.3 hasn’t been out anywhere near 6 months, so I’m confused as to when your playback problem started. But also, I don’t see any other forums posts from you about playback not working, and there is no such thing as “support ticket” - just this community-based forum. Can you describe your playback problem in more detail?

As for the Muse Hub problem, it’s known that in certain cases depending on exactly which versions you’ve installed previously and how you installed them and how you updated them, Muse Hub can get confused. In many cases it really did succeed in downloading and installing the update, so check that first. Then you can try uninstalling and reinstalling - either MuseScore Studio, or Muse Hub, or both. Obvious, that shouldn’t be necessary, for those systems that somehow get into this weird state, that might work.

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