adding lyrics

• Jun 10, 2024 - 13:07

A couple of things, I am using version 4.3.1, using the SATB Closed Score template

  1. I noticed that when voice 2 over laps voice 1, for example V1 and V2 are the same note in the same measure, in my score, this is measure 1, selection defaults to V2, I can't select V1 without first moving V2 out the way. This leads to issue 2,

  2. Adding lyrics to V1 works as I have become accostumed to (provided I get V2 out of the way), but adding lyrics to V2, the lyric line doesn't automatically register below lyric 1. Thus lyric 2 is on top of lyric 1.

I think these are related issues.

Attachment Size
Great God, Our Voices.mscz 38.57 KB


To select the desired voice on a unison note, select a non-unison note in that voice before or after the unison, and use the right (or left) arrow key to get to the correct voice in your unison.

That should take care of your lyric issue, as well.

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