Repeat sign crossing over D.S.

• Jun 10, 2024 - 15:01

Hi all

I am creating a basic chord sheet for my own use for the song 'Lean On Me'. I use these for dep work in function bands so try my best to keep them to 1 page for ease of use - just incase I'm questioned on the why.

You'll see on the image how I'd like to write it out with repeats, but I'm actually not sure if this would be deemed 'appropriate' or 'correct', I'm hoping you more qualified folk can guide me?

So I have a D/S. al Coda as you'll see. The code takes you to the bridge, then I'd like the bridge to got back to the chorus using the standard repeat mark - but the coda starts halfway through the repeat marks.

Would this be confusing to another user or would it be acceptable?

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Screenshot 2024-06-10 145718.png 79.9 KB


First, you did not include a Segno for the D.S. al Coda to go to. The rest of this is assuming you mean a D.C. al Coda instead.

Personally, I would find this notation to be not merely unacceptable, but unreadable. Which time through are you supposed to follow the D.C.? Given the way it's written, I think the "proper" way to read it would be to never repeat from end of system B. That right-repeat symbol has no way to know where it's supposed to repeat to. I think the left-repeat symbol at the beginning of system C will never play (the notes in the measures will play, but only once).

Basically, repeats cannot "loop" and that's essentially what you've tried to write. You've written a train wreck :-D

In reply to by tombrigstock

1] Voltas are meant as alternative endings to repeats. They are open to interpretation when they are not used with standard repeats. They are open to unpredictable behaviour in MuseScore.
2] A picture doesn't have much information, when you think about it. Better to post the MuseScore .mscz file.

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