Font Height/Leading and Line Height in the latest master?

• Jun 11, 2024 - 01:04

Hey, I've been busy lately and didn't use MS for a while. Today I updated it to the latest version and noticed a couple of things:
1) The cursor within a piece of text is higher than before as if there is some leading to the font. Selecting the text doesn't select this "leading" (just the text as it used to).
2) Multiline text now appears with much bigger spacing between the lines. As a result, I have to lower it down to 1li or even .9li (from e.g. 1.25li previously) to get the same result.
The two are probably related. Does anyone know what's causing this? Is anyone seeing the same behavior?
P.S. This is actually happening in the latest master and not in 4.3.1. Screenshots attached.

Attachment Size
line_spacing.png 37.32 KB

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