How Do I view the line number on the left after I removed them,,??

• Jun 11, 2024 - 01:54

How Do I view the line number on the left after I removed them,,??


i'll assume you mean the measure number.

I was able to restore individual measure numbers by searching for "measure number" in the Palettes tab and drag the "Measure Number" from the Text section onto a measure. HOWEVER, this ties the number to that specific measure, even if it's no longer the first measure on the system.

I was able to restore the automatic measure number on the first measure of the system by:
1. re-add a manual measure number from the Pallette (let's call it measure 5)
2. now add a system break so that measure 5 is NOT the first measure of the system
3. delete the measure number from measure 5
4. delete the system break -- which makes measure 5 the first on the system and restores automatic numbering

If you simply don't want them to print, I would suggest unchecking Visible on the Properties tab instead of deleting them.
They will show greyed out on screen, but will not print.

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